Cookies Policy
- Required Functional Cookies: These absolutely necessary cookies are essential for security reasons and proper functioning of a site, since they allow you to browse and use its features, authenticate in case the user has logged in to the site, accessed secure sites, registration forms, and favorite lists, using a shopping cart. They do not allow us to monitor the user’s activity on other sites. They also allow us to analyze how the website is used, what interactions and user options are used (such as name, language, or connection area) and can also be used to remember various settings such as font size and style, brightness and other configurations that the user has chosen, so that we can offer improved and personalized experience on our site and avoid repeating actions and messages (splash screen, homepage popups).
Such cookies are these: (a) necessary for the identification and / or maintaining content that the user enters during a connection (session) on the site during (eg. for completing an electronic form by the user or upon registration of the user), (b) necessary for the authentication of the subscriber or user to relevant services (eg when making an online transaction), (c) that are installed for safety purposes, (d ) with multimedia content for viewing a video, (e) necessary to perform the technique of load distribution on a link on a web page, (f) to “remember” options on the appearance of the website, (g) installed through additional plugins on social networking sites and are about sharing content between certified and associated members. Since these cookies are critical to certain features of our website, there is no opt-out option available for them, but the only option for the user is to configure the browser to prevent them from being stored and to automatically block them. However, in this case, some parts of the site will not work properly or efficiently, with the visitor having reduced possibilities of using and enjoying the services offered.
- Statistical Cookies: In some cases, we use third-party service providers to track and analyze statistical information about the use and context of the content that our site users use, resulting in the necessary cookies being set by service providers to track the traffic of visits and the performance of our advertising. In particular, they collect information such as how visitors use the site, the pages they visit most often, whether they receive bugs from web pages, etc., and they are either aggregated, anonymous information that does not identify the visitor, or it concerns the individual visitor (IP address). They are used solely to improve the performance of a website and allow us to collect information about the use you make on our websites, including the content you choose when browsing our websites, in order to measure the effectiveness and interaction of consumers with website as well as improving our pages over time. These cookies can be provided to us by third-party analytics tool providers but are only used for purposes related to our web sites. It is noted that this information cookies provided to third party providers does not include other personal information of the user, but we cannot exclude that the information collected may be related to similar or other personal information gathered elsewhere. Thus, in the context of commercial co-operation with advertising networks, cookies are collected that can monitor the user’s internet activities and navigation, with information aiming at advertising products and services based on the personal preferences of the user. Finally, our site uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service from Google, Inc. (“Google”), which, through cookies, collects data about its use (eg IP address) stored and edited on Google servers outside of Greece. Google uses this information to evaluate the use of websites, compile reports on user activities, and provision of other services related to their activities and the use of the Internet. Google uses this information to evaluate the use of websites, compile reports on user activities, and provide other services related to their activities and the use of the Internet. It is noted that Google may also transfer this information to third parties where it is required by law, or when third parties process the information on behalf of Google. As Google officially assures, it will not associate the IP address with any other data it retains (more information can be found on its pages about Google’s Terms of Service and Google Privacy Policy). As Google officially assures, it will not associate the IP address with any other data it retains (more information can be found on its pages about Google’s Terms of Service and Google Privacy Policy). In any case, you can avoid collecting data for your web browsing from Google Analytics (cookies and IP addresses) by installing the Google AnalyticsOpt – OutBrowser-Add-On browser plug-in, or opting out of the data collection, according to the capabilities and options that Google offers each time.
- Advertising & Targeting Cookies: These cookies are used to provide personalized content and can be used to send targeted advertising or promotions, limit ad impressions, or measure an advertising campaign’s effectiveness. They can also be used to help us remember the websites that the user has visited to determine which online marketing channels are most effective. Such cookies can also be collected from social media (facebook, twitter, etc.) for interest-based advertising, allowing you to view personalized ads aligned with user preferences.
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Weekdays: from 12:00 to 20:00
Saturdays: from 12:00 to 18:00
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the pureness of the Australian Cobberdog breed.
MDBA member number 20987